Airing (EST): TUES 9:30PM | WED 12:30AM | SAT 5AM | 7:30AM | SUN 4:30PM

Episodic Production Services

The demand for video content in today’s marketplace is higher than ever before seen. Our full-time staff of 15+TGR Media Specialist is composed of decades of production service. Whether it be field, post, direction, executive production, script, audio or strategic content development, in the distribution channels of linear to digital and social, our team has worked for or is executing production services with top-rated episodic programs in the outdoors. Schedule a consultation today to discuss how our team can help deliver your episodic content to market.

  • Field Production
  • Postproduction/Editing
  • Storyboarding, Script Writing and Segment Development
  • Direction & Executive Production
  • Coordinating Production
  • Episodic Formats: Network, Digital/Streaming, Regional Syndication, YouTube & Meta
  • Networks Distributed On: Outdoor Channel, Sportsman Channel & Pursuit Channel
  • Digital Platforms Distributed On: Hulu, Frndly, Carbon TV, Waypoint, MOTV, Mossy Oak Go & more…

Our Shows

The Given Right

Hunting always has, and continues to be, integrally woven into the fabric of American society. Hunting is not a privilege, but a God-given right. Kenneth Lancaster, Mark Heck and Laden Force travel the globe, celebrating our God-given right to hunt in each and every episode, and portray the passion we all have for this sport that we love so much. Never apologize for your God-Given right to hunt!


HuntWorx is a hunting show hosted by Greg Glesinger, Kasey Morgan, Matt Dye, and Adam Keith. With over 75 years of combined experience, this seasoned cast looks not only to bring to life the stories of the magnificent animals that they chase; they wish share their success and failures with the world in hopes of helping others become better hunters!

Drop Zone

Since their first encounter on a hunt in Kentucky seven years ago, the duo are now close friends who share a common passion for the outdoors. Team DZ is never staged or simulated - it truly is what it is: a half-hour of fun, excitement and priceless knowledge for hunters of all skill levels thrown in as icing on the cake.

Blazing the trail as only Zipadelli and Shaffer can, the Team DZ hosts introduced a revolutionary new concept in outdoor television hosting gatherings called “DZ Block Parties” in select towns they visit. As they travel the country in search of trophy big game, Zipadelli and Hal get up close and personal with their rabid fans during block party events - not to mention give away a good Southern helping of prizes from their impressive list of sponsors.

On-screen, Team DZ features breathtaking footage shot in high definition by the experienced DZ production team. In each episode Greg, Hal and crew bring to the viewer true life adventures that bring you the best of North American hunting and outdoor entertainment. Each week Outdoor Channel viewers will also get insight into the mind and life of one of NASCAR’s most successful and celebrated crew chiefs.

So get ready, you’re about to enter the drop zone! Drop Zone airs each week exclusively on Outdoor Channel, America’s Leader in Outdoor TV.

Backwoods Life

Since 2004, Michael Lee and Kevin Knighton have been blessed enough to bring outdoor television into the homes of loyal viewers each week. The guys work hard to bring their life, personalities and experiences to the viewers that show what the average person goes through each year trying to fill tags and their freezers.Backwoods Lifeshows even more of an inside look into who Michael and Kevin are as well as the rest of theBackwoods LifeCrew on a more personal level all while showing the great hunts they journey into each year. After now over 13 years on the air, the guys have grown to new levels and are proud to say they are average folks living a dream.

Open Season

Open Season TV travels the entire North American continent in search of the ultimate big game hunt! Tag along with our Pro-staff each week, as they traverse rugged and craggy mountain ranges and stalk through the fruited plains of the heartland, on a quest to bring you the very best hunting adventures possible! With our small town, family values,nandrolone decanoate dosagewe pledge to bring you the very best outdoor experience captured on film. Our multiple camera approach makes you feel like you are right there in the middle of the hunt! All our hunts are 100% fair chase and we are dedicated to conservation, education and preservation of wildlife so that not only our children, but ourgrowth hormone injectionchildren’s children will be able to enjoy Open Seasons!

Just Killing Time

Some people hunt JUST to enjoy the fellowship of friends and family. Others hunt because they feel that KILL’N is a spiritual moment between man and beast. Still even more hunt to spend TIME communing with the great outdoors. Buck, Max, and the Just Kill’n Time Crew do it for all the reasons above and more. Join the guys and experience the true essence of what it is to rejoice in the outdoor lifestyle. No restaging, patronizing, or scripting of scenes. Only the Crew picking on each other, and having a great time while delivering what is missing on so many shows today…The HUNT!

American Way

The American Way is a complete high energy outdoor adventure ride, that is home to all you working class, blue collar outdoor junkies. We look forward to sharing these adventures with folks like you in America’s great outdoors. Welcome to The American Way, the new home for working men and women everywhere!

Questions? Send us an email